June 30 - Hoping
The dangers of Coronavirus still with us,
Cliff remains quaranteened
with Harriet and I keeping a positive social distance.
Definitely time for us to take a distancing stroll, the 77th of the Vacaville Streets series,
from Quail
northwest to
northeast, ending up at Woodstock --
on the 119th day of summer,
high down 2 to 88.
Return to continue in semi-isolation the update of
Vocal Sonatina No. 1 ("Spitzer"), Op. 156 (2008), also
editing page 7
Piano Concerto ("Child's Play"), Op. 122 (2004)
I. Allegro
and texting
Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
June 29-30 (Coronavirus?)
6am Various Confused Dreams Includeing, "Reschedule Opus"?...
10am Roxanna's "Hood Series" Nursery Rhythms...
on this birthday of
John Gay (1685-1732) and
Horace Vernet (1789-1863),
to a balletic swirl of
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) - Dance Suite after Couperin (1923): IV. Sarabande,
Carl Nielsen (1865-1931) - Symphony No. 3 ("Sinfonia Espansiva"), Op. 27 (1911),
Bela Bartok (1881-1945) - Orchestral Suite No. 1, Op. 3 (1905),
Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991) -
Star Trek (1966):
Season 2, Production 32.
Friday's Child (1967),
Rick Steves[b. 1955]'s Europe (2000)
Season 10, Episode 11.
Scotland's Islands (2018),
the latter part of the Stephen Colbert (b. 1964) interview with Dama Kinzinger (1978),
and more
at least
news about
the potential
to preserve
June 29 - Bringing It All Home
Pick up Cliff from Sacramento Airport after his mostly-happy (but airline-challenged and see-below) trip to Cuba, but he's picked up one unexpected, unwelcome traveller -- Coronavirus! --
so we have to return via I-5 west,
in visual splendor,
masked --
day of summer,
high down 12 to 90 (locally and in
Dixon --
the 8-day 100+ wave,
lasted the length of Cliff's Carribean adventur,
finally broken...
Davis & Woodland, 92 /
Sacramento, 91).
Time to quarantine down, while updating
Flying Mixes, Op. 155 (2008),
on the Complete Works site,
edit page 6
Piano Concerto ("Child's Play"), Op. 122 (2004)
I. Allegro
and dream up text for
Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
June 28-29
12pm Kidwell Road Interchange, Backed by Vaca Mountains, Berryessa Gap, Rocky Ridge
9am Country, Art-Retreat, New Mexican / Southern California Style Accomodations,
I Am on Second Floor, Time to Go, Several Composers w/ Me, Downstairs,
I Am Only One w/o Luggage, Gigi as Groupie Meets Us w/ Several Others,
Not Sure We'll All Fit in One Car w/ Luggage, a Seond Car Is Due,
I Go Back Upstairs to Retrieve Suitcase, Open Floor Plan w/ Balconies, Tiled Roofs, Floors,
Harriet Calling From Below, "Mark! Mark!"...
The background to this -- safe-distancing, with Cliff on the sun porch, only coming into the house masked (soley for essentials and at a distance) -- is a blitz of world weather,
Max Bruch (1838-1920) - Symphony No. 2 in F Minor, Op. 36 (1870),
Frederick Delius (1862-1934) - Air and Dance (1915),
Richard Strauss (1864-1949) -
Ein Heldenleben,
Op. 40 (1898),
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) - Tombeau de Couperin (1917): IV. Forlane,
Howard Hanson (1896-1981) - Nymphs and Satyr Ballet Suite (1979),
a triple-Zoom evening of
Springfield (Delaware County, PA) High School alumni,
Opus Project (getting close to Opus 95 -- 8pm, Saturday, July 9, Center for New Music, San Francisco),
(a socially-separated,
more blogging and emailing,
a double-dose of Stephen Colbert (b. 1964) -- very early and late this same day -- with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (b. 1989)
Adam Kinzinger (b. 1978), plus
political spectrum...
Ah, yes, also the birthdays of
Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944 -- clear inspiration for
The Little Prince, Op. 89 [2000]),
Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975),
Jose Pablo Moncayo (1912-1958),
Rafael Kubelik (1914-1996)...
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