Emma Turnbull's Davis Community Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir Zoom rehearsal, again with
Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) - O Vos Omnes (1572) and
Gregorio Allegri (1592-1652) - Miserere Mei (1638 - Psalm 50 Greek; 51 Jewish / Protestant)
Meeting just prior with Springfield '75 folks, and before'n'after both,
welcome news of 11 Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy (may such be extended to the former top), as reported by Jake Tapper,
Lawrence O'Donnell and others, + various musics, including
John Fernstrom (1897-1961) - Concertino for Flute, Small Orchestra, and Women's Choir, Op. 52 (1943)
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) - Tombeau de Couperin (1917): IV. Rigaudon, and
Joaquin Turina (1882-1949) - Sevillana, Op. 29 (1923), often while addressing other ongoing work, such as composition page 2
Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
II. January 2 - I6am Hypnotism, Psychology, Religion,/ 9am Dodging a Very Slow Man-Buffalo
and placing more text for a later movement as
January 12-13 (After Identifying Everyone on Marriage Video and Re-Watching Beginnning w/ Erling and Group Supportive Laughs)
3pm Real Live Person Turned Into Puppet (Reverse Pinocchio Syndrome)...
4am 2 Semi-Rural Half-Constructed MiMansions, Adjacent in the Snow...
9am Mormon Dress Clothing to Be Worn or Not, Fresh or Pre-Worn, Someone Puts on at Least...
Helping Erling Bring a Huge Rolled Rug from One Lower Level (Basement 325)
to Another Even Farther Down, I'm at Top, Sending Rug Down....
Putting Cream Cheese On Something, But Dropping It on the Green Grass, Again...
13th day of spring, high back down 1 (ABA of 61-62-61 last 3 days)...