August 10 - Ways and Means

Create a new title page for

Psalms, Book III, Op. 187 (2011)

and then discover that there's already a visual on the

Complete Works site -- Oh, well... but the page needs an update, anyway, as well as an edit of

I. Psalm 73 - "Truly God Is Good to Israel"

which is also what the orchestration of

The Nativity According to St. Matthew, Op. 72 (1998)
     IV. Where Is the King?

needs, as well as

page 47 re

Piano Concerto ("Child's Play"), Op. 122 (2004)
     I. Allegro

Also chronicle the text for

Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
     August 9-10
          3am Dramatic, But Not Enough Conducting for Nativity, Rejecting an English King Herod,
               Coffee Spills on Bed, But It Is Still Dream... No One Knows, So They Litigate..

and, what the heck, since I've done a few judicious editions of hymns for Davis Community Presbyterian Church, including 2 today requested by Emma, might as well consider it an evolving piece as

Hymn Edits (Hymns for Her), Op. 404 (August 10, 2022)
     For Voices and Instruments, Severally or in any Collage / Combination / Orchestration

     Adrianus Valerius (1575-1625)
          KREMSER (1626, We Gather Together / We Come to This Table)

    Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876)
          AURELIA (1864, The Church's One Foundation / You Made Us In Your Image)

   William Howard Doane (1832-1915)
          TO GOD BE THE GLORY (1875, To What Can the Kingdom of God Be Compared)

     Tracy Keenan (b. 1989)
          THIS IS WHO WE ARE (2019)

Seems like sufficient labors to justify the 101st Vacaville Streets Walk:

an evening from the intersection of East Christine and Cooper School --

south on the

former to





on the latter to




on the 160th day of summer,

high again


the 157th birthday of

Alexander Glazunov (1865-1936), with a media show of

Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) - Terpsichore (1612),

J.S. Bach (1685-1750) - Concerto for Oboe and Violin in D Minor (1735) and

Clavier Ubung (1739): XXVII. Organ Prelude and Fugue in Eb Major,

Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921) - Havanaise, Op. 83 (1887),

the Republican Party running a lot of anti-Democracy candidates,

Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) - Symphony No. 9 (1909),

Aaron Copland (1900-1990) - Symphony No. 3 (1946),

a nice Zoom with

George, Bette, and Harriet,

George Page (1935-2006 -- serendipitous name!) - Nature (1982): XXXVII, 6. Dogs in the Land of Lions (2018),

the continuing aftermath of the Lyring Psychopath's Tack-a-Florida place being searched,

plus his criminally taking the fifth

hundreds of


more mirth from Stephen Colbert (b. 1964) and

perception from MSNBC 'n' CNN, as well as

even larger
