August 3 - Secure and Ready

Drop Cliff off at San Francisco Airport -- 4:10am! --bound for Seattle, South Korea, and Bali! 

Bon voyage!

Before this,

heading down there via the

Bay Bridge.

After: 380, 280, 1, a very foggy Skyline, Great,

Point Lobos, Seal Rock, Clement,

Legion of Honor,

Camino del Mar, Lincoln,

101 (the Golden Gate Bridge -- previous to above Waldo Tunnel -- surprisingly dark in the fog),

north to

San Rafael,

phalanging above the Bay (geographically, so to speak) on 37 into


over Napa Slough,


Solano in the rising sun,

vaulting the Sulfur Springs Mountains,




Poverrty Hills




on the

153rd day of summer,

high down 1 to 103!

Fairfield, 99
Vallejo, 92
Oakland, 69
San Francisco, 66
San Rafael, 89
Petaluma, 86

A bit of repose sometime during the 24 hours + new cover and

web page on the Complete Works site for

New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday, Op. 190 (2011),

edit of pages 39-40

Piano Concerto ("Child's Play"), Op. 122 (2004)
     I. Allegro

and minimal text re

Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
     August 2-3 (Up All Night, Taking Cliff to SF Airport...)
          7am A Woman Sashaying Out the Door...

All to a panoply of fires continuing in the state,

more commentary re

Kansans rejecting an abortion ban,

floods in Kentucky,

Fortunatis (530-609) - Ave Maris Stella (560)
Gregory I (540-604)
     Kyrie IV
     Psalm 146
     Haec Dies
Muhammad (570-632)
     Call to Prayer
     Koran Recitation
Morocco (c. 682)
     Folk Music
     Lala Fatima
Iraq (c. 800) - The Passion of 1001 Nights (c. 830)
Scholia Enchiradis (c. 820)
     Nos Qui Vivimus
     Sit Gloria Domini
     Rex Caeli Domine

Notker Babulus (840-912) - Alleluia Dominus (884)
Tuotillo (865-915) - Omnipotens (900)
Free Organum (c. 970) - Cunctipotens Genitor (1000)
Golliard Song (c. 970)- Carmina Burana (1000): O Roma Nobili
School of Chartres (c. 970) - Alleluia (1000)
Guido d'Arezzo  (991-1034)- Hymn to St. John (Ut Queant Laxis)
Latin Lyric (1070) - Song of the Ass (1100)
Orkney Islands (c. 1074) - Hymn to St. Magnus (1104)
School of Compostela (1085) - Cuncipotens Genitor (1125)
India (c. 1100)
     Raga Maru Bihag
     Sind Bhairavi

Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894) - Espana (1883),

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) - In the Fen Country (1907),

Joseph Marx (1882-1964) - Casteli Romani (1930),

Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991)

Star Trek (1966):

Season 2, Production 39.

Mirror, Mirror (1967),

more computer work for Harriet and me,

Steve Backshall (b. 1973) -

Expedition (2019): II, 19. Socorro Island,

NOVA (1974) -

XLVIII, 18. Universe Revealed: Black Holes (2021, with Megan over for a visit), and continued hopes for

justice in

our world...