December 13 - All Good Gifts
Time to pay everyone in the newly-formed Davis Community Church Chamber Orchestra, plus a few other folks, for their excellent work in
Mark Alburger (b. 1957)
The Nativity According to St. Matthew, Op. 72 (1998)
Gian Carlo Menotti (1911-2007)
Amahl and the Night Visitors (1951)
as part of
Davis Community Church presents...
A Christmas Concert!
4pm, Sunday, December 11, 2022
Corner of 4th and C Streets
Davis, CA
Thanks to the generous $10,000 donation of Tony Tanke made to the DCC Church Music Fund!
Quite a lot of online paperwork required on the
38th day of Fall, high up 1 to 56 --
Broke Dance Intermezzi, T, Op. 316 (May 24, 2019)
on the Complete Works site
in consort with Congressional activity, plus
Rodion Shchedrin (b. 1931)
Not Love Alone (1961)
Joe Biden (b. 1946) signing the bill to protect many manners of marriage, and
Stephanie Ruhle (b. 1975) keeping us up to date...