March 17 - Balancing Act

Design a cover for

Delicate Balances, Op. 393 (2020)

and, inspired by Harriet's recitation the other day, begin compositiion of

Little Boy Blue
, Op. 394 (March 17, 2020),

taking a 6/8 sensibility from the Elthlert Nevin 1862-1901), orchestrating after Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) Requiem Canticles (1966): Exaudi, on a more existential framework derived from George Crumb (1929-2022) - Madrigals, Book III (1965): I.  It's Hegelian Dialectics, Baby!

So, hopefully Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831 -- another direct contemporary of Beethoven!  But living 4 years longer) would be pleased, as we continue by updating

San Rafael News, Op. 51 (1995)

rather extensively (though still not finishing video links, because many have not yet been created),

produce a new edition of

The Gospel According to St. Matthew, Op. 85 (2000)
     XLVII. Jerusalem (Lauda Jerusalem)

(since the text is parallel to the reading from Luke last Sunday),

also hallucinate the next bit of text for

Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
     March 16-17
          3am Folks Coming Home, So Run Upstairs at 325 to Put Pants On, One Leg at a Time,
               with Shoes On Already, Someone Stepping Into the Doorway,
               Then Trio of Performrs On a New Piece for Piano and Percussion, Sounds Great!....
          9am Rough Russian Camping, A Rustic Tango...

and derive Trombone / Tuba part for

Three George Crumb Tropes, Op. 392 (2022) from The Decameron: Fifth Day, Op. 247 (2015)
        Novel III.  Pietro Boccamazza runs away with Agnolella, and encounters a gang of robbers
                           (Madrigals, Book II [1962]: III. Cabalito Negro - Little Black Horse)

Goodness!  Is there time for anything else?  Not much re other media, that only includes

G.F. Handel (1685-1759) - Water Music (1717 -- and, hey!, recognize this second view as the same vantage point in

Karl Friedrich Schinkel, 1781-1841 -

View of Mt. Blanc, 1813) and

updates on the Ukraine War, with Joe Biden (b. 1942) appropriately going beyond calling Vladimir Putin (b. 1951) a "War Criminal" but now a "Murderous Dictator" and "Pure Thug"!

First Daylight Savings Zoom with the Springfield High School alums, on the 27th day of summer, high down 2 to 75, the supposed death date (deathday?)

St. Francis (c. 385-461), and birthday of

Jim Bridger (1804-1881... almost an exact contemporry of Hector Berlioz -- 1803-1869 -- but longer lived by 12 years), plus

Stormy Daniels (b. 1979)!



Davis (in the welcome late sunlight)

Community Presbyterian Church (which is right across C Street from Central Park -- who knew?!)

Choir Rehearsal (with Emma Turnbull), switch-hitting on tenor and

bass, where the highlights are

Renaissance polyphony and various progressive harmonic bits in the made-for-church-choir music,

graced by the moonlight...