March 19 - Forks in the Trail

Well, it was going to be Zim Zim Falls, in the Blue Ridge, near Lake Berryessa, Napa County, with a Davis Community Presbyterian Church group. 

But the dawn is gloom,

and we're fair-weather hikers (at best) these days,

so best Harriet and I can do is an expedition to the local Subway for Cold Cut Combo and Rotisserie Chicken sandwiches,

on the 50th day of spring,

high down 10 to 64

(with the skies ironically


later on) --

the anniversary of establishment re Daylight Savings and National Time Zones in America (1818),



of the

well-iconographied (not a word, but should be, so let's try)

David Livingstone (1813-1873), plus

Max Reger (picking up from there, but probably not a re-incarnation, 1873-1916 -- heard here in his

Violin Sonata No. 1, Op. 1, of 1890).

Other listenings during the day include a veritable Giacinto Scelsi (1905-1988), including

Sonata per Violino e Pianoforte (1934),

Piano Sonata No. 3 (1939),

Preludi per Piano, Serie II-IV (1940),

Piano Suite No. 3 ("Bot Ba") (1952),

and 2 performances of

Aion, Four Episodes in One Day of Brahma (1961), as well as

James Cohn (1928-2021) -  Concerto for Clarinet and Strings (1962) and

Phlip Glass (b. 1937) - Einstein on the Beach (1975, the original Tomato -- sorry! -- now Columbia, recording.

Work  of the day includes a moving-toward-completion update of

Mice Suite No. 2, Op. 53 (1996) on the Works site,

the seemingly never-ending textural additions to

Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
     March 18-19
          5am Surprise Birthday for Bette, 4 of Us in 2nd Floor Apartment,
               We Crouch Down Behind Set Piece,
               Someone Says She'll Be Able to See Our Reflectons in Sliding Glass Door Opposite,
               Relatives Enter w/ Dad, All is Ready...
          8am Continuing to Defoliate a Deciduous Tree in December, as Part of a War Effort, Walking,
               Stepping up on a Curb and Onto Loose Fallen Seeds from Same, Losing Balance,
               Reeling Backwards, Only to Be Awakened Moving Sideways in Same Direction...
          9am How Did You Know?  I'm Your Father, and We're Approaching Solstice...
         10am Supermarket Composite, Sunny...

and create Percussion part for

Three George Crumb Tropes, Op. 392 (2022) from The Decameron: Fifth Day, Op. 247 (2015).

The manifold effects of Putin's Ukranian Terrorism,

additionally the Scelsi orchestral music earlier,

call to mind the abominations of the World Trade Center attack of September 11, 2001,

and Sorrel's near peril,

as she had left her job at Aon on the 102nd floor of WTC 2 within a year or 2 of the disaster. 

Air tragedies of yesterday,

today, and

who knows when....