For Voices and Instruments
I. RECITATIVE "Then One of the Twelve"
II. GROUND "Where Will You Go?"
IV. CHORALE "Now As They Were Eating"
V. LAMENTI ESTAMPIE "Said Jesus at Gethsemane"
VI. CHANT OSTINATI "My Soul Is Sorrowful"
VII. ALL-INTERVAL ORGANUM "Father If It Be Possible"
VIII. MIRROR "Are You Still Sleeping"
IX. INVENTION "Judas Came Up and Said"
X. MIRROR "Then the Disciples"
XI. MARCH "Then Those Who Had Seized Jesus" (Hec Lives)
XII. SINFONIA "This Fellow Said"
XIII. MARCH "When Morn Came" (Hec Dies)
XIV. RITORNELLO "When Judas, His Betrayer"
XVI. HOCKETROPE "Where Is the King?" (Trope I)
XVII. CHORUS "Who Do You Want to Release"
XVIII. MOTET RAG "Hail, King of the Jews" (Alle, psallite - Alleluya)
XIX. DIMINUTION "As They Went Out"
XX. CHORALE PRELUDE AND QUADRUPLE FUGATO "And They Came to a Place Named Golgotha"
INTERLUDE (The Nailing to the Cross)
ANTIPHON I (The Abuse of the Crowd)
RECAPITULATION (The Charge Against Him)
ANTIPHON II (The Lament of the Disciples)
XXI. SPECIES COUNTERPOINT (After Zarlino) "He Saved Others" (At the Cross)
XXII. CANONIC PALINDROME "Eli, Eli, Lama sabachta'ni"
XXIII. OSTINATO-CANON "It Is Finished" (Trope II)
Just about all of above comes to mind after
driving towards
Davis Community Church at an uncharacteristic time in uncharacteristic weather (52nd day of spring, high down 5 to 83; 60 at arrived locale),
to support Harriet's ushering endeavors
(Emma is helping out, too),
vis a vis an American Bach Soloists concert, presenting in their second half
Johann Theile (1646-1724) - The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to the Evangelist Matthew (1673).
Before all this, produce a score video, duly uploaded to Youtube, of
12 Preludes and Fugues ("Topical"), Op. 60 (1998)
II. Basic Policy on the Triads (Fugue)
for inquiring ears, particularly in Canada and the U.S.A. (the initial upload is still playable in many countries, including France, Germany, and Great Britain),
partially update the Works site as to
Symphony No. 2 ("Tamalpais"), Op. 62 (1998),
go for the Trombone / Tuba part (such as it is, very John Cage,1912-1992, in the opening page, no?) of
Three George Crumb Tropes, Op. 392 (2022), from The Decameron: Fifth Day, Op. 247 (2015)
Novel VII. Pietro Teodoro, being enamoured of Violante, daughter of Messer Amerigo,
his lord, gets her with child, and is sentenced to the gallows (Black Angels [1970]: I-V, VII, X)
and text-add to
Book of Dreams, 2022, Op. 376 (2022)
March 27-28
7am Gotta Vote, Count Dracula Vengeance, Wrong-Doers at High Altitudes....
8am Packing 2 Oversized Crumb Scores Into Computer Bag, On a Bicycle Rickshaw,
w/ Marty Stoddard and Lisa Scola Prosek, Downhill West in San Francisco,
Impossible View of Golden Gate Bridge and Downtown and Marin Headlands, Steep Dropoff,
Will Camera Work?...
10am Cooking Up the Dream Items: Chicken, Shrimp, Clams, -- A Nice Meal!...
Favorite Western Classical Music / The Bible -- Racist!... Violent, Way-Too-Fast Left-Turn-
on-a-Curve, Aerial from the Right-Angle of Brynes North to Weber West....
And, finally, let's drink to the birthdays of Frederick Pabst (1836-1904),
Paul Whiteman (1890-1967 -- seen here in 1939 -- 15 years after the first recording of
George Gershwin, 1898-1937 - Rhapsody in Blue, 1924 -- and wow! What a performance-practice sound!),
Robert Ashley (1930-2014 -- OK, got to go again with
Private Parts, 1978...)
And yes, all Dead White Males, but, fter all, soon enough, n the grand scheme...